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Medical specialists
We believe gold standards are the precise language for medical specialists to advance their correct diagnosis and treatment for their patients. That’s why we dedicate our efforts to developing gold standards.

Ensuring the right diagnosis
Lab results must be correct. It’s as simple as that. But medical specialists also must be able to verify why they are correct. Gold standards are key in reducing the risk of obtaining wrong or difficult to assess measurement results. RR Mechatronic prefers working with gold standards like the Westergren method.

Learn more about our solutions for you as a specialist

Always correct ESR
There is a reason why the ICSH declares: “Consider adding an interpretative comment to every result stating that ‘ this result was obtained with an ESR instrument that is not based on the standard Westergren method.’ The sensitivity and specificity of this method for various disease states may be different from the standard Westergren method”
Source: ICSH recommendations for modified and alternate methods measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
In-depth knownledge
RRM has produced a whitepaper on the Westergren Gold Standard for ESR measurement.

Global distribution and service
RR Mechatronics is active in over 40 countries worldwide. Our certified partners are trained and equipped to help you choose the right instruments and to perform on-site services, whether it is planned maintenance or emergency service.